Friday 27 December 2013

ملنے کے نہیں نایاب ہیں ہم ۔۔۔

بچپن دامن چھڑانے لگے تو سن بلوغت میں قدم رکھتے نوعمر کی آنکھوں میں سنہرے خواب سجنے لگتے ہیں اور وہ اپنے اردگردکی شخصیات سے مرعوب ہو کر ان میں خود کو تلاش کرتے ہیں ۔میرے خیال میں شاید یہیں سے شخصی تعمیر کا عمل شروع ہو جاتا ہے ۔  یہ اسکول کے دنوں کی بات ہے جب میں نے ایک پروقار ، نڈر اور بہادر خاتون کو سرکاری ٹی وی کی اسکرین پر دیکھا۔  چمکتی آنکھیں، شائستہ لہجہ اور سر پر نہایت سلیقے سے سجا ہرا دوپٹہ، یہ تھیں محترمہ بے نظیر بھٹوجنہوں نے تاریخ کی سب سے کم عمر اور عالم اسلام کی پہلی خاتون وزیر اعظم کی حیثیت سے حلف اٹھایا۔  

انہوں نے عورت کےہرروپ سے خوب انصاف کیا، خوددار بیٹی جو باطل کے سامنے ڈٹ گئی، سربراہ مملکت جنہیں دو مرتبہ بے دخل کیا گیا لیکن انکے مضبوط ارادے نہ توڑے جاسکے، محبت اور پیار کے جذبے سے سرشارعظیم ماں غرض یہ کہ دنیا کی مدبر سیاستدان سے گھریلو زندگی تک انکا ہر رنگ دلکش تھا ۔اپنی سیاسی وابستگی اور نظریات سے قطع نظر یہ فولادی خاتون ہر لڑکی کے لیے آئیڈیل کا درجہ رکھتیں ۔ ان سے ملاقات ہو جائے گی کبھی سوچا بھی نہ تھالیکن دو ہزار سات میں انکی وطن واپسی پرکارساز حملے کے بعد جب انہوں نے جنگ اورجیو کے دفاتر کا دورہ کیا اسوقت میں مجھےاچانک بتایا گیا کہ محترمہ پانچویں فلور پر ہیں اور کچھ دیر میں چھٹے فلور پر بنے اسٹوڈیو میں تشریف لائیں گی ۔ جہاں سے میں پروگرام یہ ہے پاکستان- کررہی تھی اور اسی پروگرام میں مجھے انکا انٹرویو کرنا تھا۔ یہ خوشگوارلمحہ ناقابل یقین تھا کہ میں اس سرانگیز شخصیت کاانٹرویو کرنے جارہی ہوں جو خواتین کےلیے مثالی نمونہ ہیں ۔ لیکن بد قسمتی سے محترمہ کو سیکورٹی وجوہات کی بنا پر سیڑھیاں چڑھنا پڑی تھیں جسکی وجہ سے وہ خاصی نڈھال ہو چکی تھیں ،یوں وہ دورہ مختصر کر کے جلد واپس چلی گئی ۔ اور میری انکا انٹرویو کرنے کی خواہش نہ پوری ہو سکی ۔ پھر دسمبر کی قاتل اداس شام پاکستان کا قومی المیہ بن گئی جب یہ عظیم خاتون ہم سے چھین لی گئیں۔

رواں برس مارچ کے مہینے میں ایسٹ ویسٹ سینٹر کے پروگرام کے تحت امریکہ جانا ہوا۔ وہاں بے نظیر بھٹو کے قریبی ساتھی اور لابسٹ مارک سیگل سے ملاقات کا موقع ملا۔اس گھنٹہ بھر کی گفتگو کے دوارن میں نے بی بی کے حوالے سے اپنی تمام تر تشنگی دور کرنے کی کو شش کی ۔ جہاں انکے قتل کے سیاسی محرکات پر بات ہوئی وہیں انکی نجی زندگی کے حوالے سے بھی مارک سیگل نے کئی پہلووں پر روشنی ڈالی ۔  بے نظیر بھٹو نے اکتوبر2007کے حملے کے بعد مارک سیگل کو ای میل کی تھی کہ اگر ان کے ساتھ کچھ ہو جاتا ہے تو کون ذمہ دار ہوگا۔ تاہم سیگل نے ای میل کے مزید مندرجات بتانے سے گریز کیا ۔ ای میل میں بے نظیر نے اس خط کا بھی ذکر کیا جس میں انہوں نے اپنی زندگی سے خطرات کے بارےمیں  تین افراد کا ذکر کیا ۔سیگل کے مطابق ای میل میں بے نظیر بھٹو نے اپنی جان کو خطرات اور سیکورٹی کے بارے میں ذکر کیا تھا،ان باتوں کو دہراتے ہوئے مارک سیگل کی آنکھیں کبھی چمکنے لگتیں اور کبھی چہرہ ایسے غمزدہ ہو جاتا کہ جیسے ابھی ابھی انہیں بی بی کی شہادت کی خبر ملی ہو ۔

کچھ ایسا ہی حال ہمارا بھی ہے، یہ وہ زخم ہے جو رستا رہے گا۔ محترمہ بے نظیربھٹو کا قتل نہ صرف پاکستانی تاریخ کا ایک کربناک اور دور رس نتائج کا حامل افسوسناک واقعہ ہے بلکہ اس کے عالمی اثرات بھی بڑے واضح ہیں۔ دور دور تک نظر دوڑایئں توپاکستان میں اس پایہ کی خاتون لیڈر نظر نہیں آئیں گی جو خواتین کے لیے عزم وہمت کا نشان اور رول ماڈل ہو، کیونکہ بی بی واقعی نایاب تھیں۔

ناجیہ اشعر

Thursday 26 December 2013

صحافت ، خواتین کے لیے کانٹوں کی سیج

 بنکاک میں منقعدہ کانفرنس ‘‘ گلوبل فورم آن میڈیا اینڈ جینڈر’’ میں  انکشاف کیا گیا کہ تقریباً دوتہائی خواتین صحافیوں کو اپنے کام کے حوالے سے دباؤ ، دھمکی اور بدسلوکی کا سامنا ہوتاہے۔ انٹرنیشنل نیوز سیفٹی انسٹیٹیوٹ اور انٹرنیشنل ویمنز میڈیا فاؤنڈیشن کے تحت ہونے والا   پہلا عالمی سروے بتاتا  ہے کہ نصف سے زائد (64.48 فیصد) خواتین صحافیوں (822 خواتین صحافیوں سے سروے کیاگیا) کو اپنے کام کے حوالے سے بدسلوکی  کا تجربہ ہوا۔ اس عالمی کانفرنس میں جہاں صحافت کے میدان میں خواتین کو درپیش مسائل  پر روشنی ڈالی گئی وہیں ان مشکلات کے سدباب پر بھی بحث ہوئی ۔۔اب اگر اسی تناظر میں پاکستان پر ایک نظر ڈالیں تو صورتحال کوئی بہت زیادہ اچھی نہیں کیونکہ اس کانفرنس میں پاکستان کی باقاعدہ نمائندگی موجود نہیں تھی اسی وجہ سے پاکستان کے حوالے سے زمینی حقائق منظر عام پر نہ آسکے ۔حقیقت یہ ہے کہ پاکستان میں صحافت سے منسلک خواتین یوں تو طویل عرصے سے موثر طور پر اپنا کردار ادا کررہی ہیں ۔ لیکن پچھلےدس سالوں میں الیکٹرونک میڈیا نے جس تیزی سے ترقی کی اسکی بدولت خواتین کے لیے بے شمار مواقع پیدا ہوئے کہ وہ بہتر طریقے سے اپنی صلاحیتوں کو بروئے کار لاکر معاشرے کا فعال حصہ بن سکیں ۔ آج خواتین کی بہت بڑی تعداد چوبیس گھنٹے ساتوں دن ، الیکٹرونک میڈیا میں اپنے فرائض بخوبی انجام دے رہی ہیں ۔ انتھک محنت، بے لوث خدمت  اور جدوجہد کے باوجود دیگر شعبوں کی بہ نسبت صحافت ،خواتین کے لیے کانٹوں کی سیج  ثابت ہوئی ہے ۔ بدقسمتی سے پاکستان میں ایسے واقعات  کی رپورٹنگ تو دور کی بات  ،   دباؤ ، دھمکی ، بدسلوکی کا شکار  یا   ہراساں کیے جانے والی  خواتین  منظر عام سے غائب ہو جاتی ہیں  ۔کئی رپورٹرز نے ہمت کرکے بدسلوکی رپورٹ بھی کی تو وہ محض سوشل میڈیا تک محدود رہی ۔ کئی واقعات کی اداروں نے خود تحقیقات کرائیں اور معاملہ فائلوں میں دبا دیاگیا۔ اور یہ بھی دیکھنے میں آیا کہ اپنے ساتھ بدسلوکی کی  شکایت کرنے والی خواتین کچھ وقت  کام کرنے کے بعد خاموشی کے ساتھ اپنے گھروں میں بیٹھ گئیں اور اپنے گھر کی کفالت کرنے والی وہ خواتین جو بہ ضرورت مجبوری نوکری کرتیں ہیں وہ یا تو میڈیا سے الگ ہو جاتیں ہیں یا پھراپنے مرد نگراں افسر اور ساتھی کارکنوں کے رویے کو نظرانداز کرکے  خاموشی اختیار کر لیتی ہیں ۔دھونس دھمکی اور ہراساں کرنے کے واقعات صرف میڈیا دفاتر تک ہی محدود نہیں، اس وقت خواتین کے لیے سب سے بڑا چیلنج فیلڈ رپورٹنگ کے دوران مختلف  شعبہ زندگی سے تعلق رکھنے والے افراد کے ساتھ کام کرنا ہے ۔ جہاں انہیں سیاسی ، عسکری  اور جرائم پیشہ قوتوں سے بھی ٹکرانا ہوتا ہے ۔ یہاں انتہائی افسوسناک اور حیران کن پہلو یہ بھی ہے کہ صحافت کی تعلیم مکمل کرکے جو لڑکیاں میڈیا میں قدم رکھتی ہیں ہمارے یہاں انکا استقبال گرم جوشی سےتو کیا جاتا ہےاور انہیں لڑکوں پر ترجیح دے کر بڑی تعداد میں انٹرن شپ اور مستقل ملازمت کے مواقع فراہم کیئے جاتے ہیں ۔ لیکن جونہی انکی شادی ہوتی ہے، بچوں کی ذمہ داریوں اور خاندانی فرائض میں گھری یہی لڑکیاں افسران کو اداروں پر بوجھ محسوس ہونے لگتی ہیں ۔دوسرے شعبوں کی بہ نسبت صحافت میں مختلف شفٹوں میں کام کرنے والی خواتین کے لیے گھر اور نوکری میں توازن قائم کرنا آسان کام نہیں ہوتا ، جہاں بدسلوکی ، دباؤ یا ہراساں نہیں کیا جاتا تو وہاں گھریلو    زمہ داریوں کو بہانہ بنا کر انکی  حوصلہ شکنی کی جاتی ہے یوں  بہت جلد خواتین کو کوئی ایک راستہ چننا پڑتا ہے  ۔ یہی وجہ کہ پاکستان میڈیا کے اداروں میں گنی چنی خواتین ہی سینئر عہدوں تک پہنچ سکی ہیں ۔ دوسری جانب ایڈیٹوریل پالیسی میں خواتین کا عمل دخل بھی خاصا محدود  نظر آتا ہے اور انکی رائے کو مرد حضرات کے مقابلے میں کم اہمیت دی جاتی ہے ۔ لیکن خواتین کے لیے حالات خواہ کتنے ہی مشکل کیوں نہ ہوں ، ہمت ہارنا  مسئلے کا حل نہیں اور ہمارے یہاں کی عورت بہت بہتر طریقے سے مسائل کا سامنا کرنا جانتی ہے یہی وجہ ہے کہ تیس سال تک صحافت کی خدمت کرنے والی زبیدہ مصطفی نے شدید سیاسی عدم استحکام ، میڈیا پر پابندی اور معاشرتی اتار چڑھاؤ دیکھا۔ جس پر انہیں -صحافت میں جرات کا اعزاز-  -کے واحد بین الاقوامی اعزاز سے نوازا گیا ۔پاکستانی میڈیا میں عزم وہمت کا نشان بن جانے والی   رضیہ بھٹی کو بھی بین الاقوامی پزیرائی حاصل ہوئی۔ شیری رحمان  پہلی پاکستانی صحافی ہیں جنہیں  برطانوی ہاؤس آف لارڈ کی طرف سے آزادی صحافت کا  ایوارڈ مل چکا ہے ۔ اور آسکر ایوارڈ یافتہ صحافی شرمین عبید چنائے  ہوں یا شائستہ زید جیسی خواتین ، انہوں نے ثابت کیا ہے کہ کٹھن حالات میں بھی مستقل مزاجی کے ساتھ اپنے پیشہ وارانہ فرائض انجام دیئے جا سکتے ہیں ، بس خاموشی کو توڑنا ہو گا ، چپ رہنے کارویہ بدل کر اپنی کمزوری کو دور کرلیں تو صحافت کے شعبے میں عزت و وقار کے ساتھ اپنی جگہ بنانا مشکل ضرور ہے ناممکن نہیں ۔۔

ناجیہ اشعر

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Journalism – A bed of thorns for women

More than two-thirds of women journalists in the world are subject to pressure, threats and bad behavior around the world. This was uncovered during the GLOBAL FORUM ON MEDIA & GENDER, a conference jointly recently held in Bangkok. A survey conducted by International News Safety Institute & International Women’s Media Foundation also revealed that more than half (64.48% out of 822 participants) female journalists have been ill-treated during their careers.
During the conference, the problems faced by the women in the field of journalism were discussed, and the participants tried to find out ways to solve these issues. If we take a look at the scene in Pakistan, it is not at all bright. In fact, there was no official representation of Pakistan in the conference; hence the viewpoint of female journos in the country wasn’t conveyed to the members. The truth is that in Pakistan, many women are associated with the field of journalism which received a boom a decade back due to the arrival of electronic media. Many a ladies, who studied journalism, came in the field and managed to make a name for themselves with their will and support of their colleagues. The women of today work 24 X 7 in Pakistan and are at par with the men in the field due to their ability to match their colleagues.
Be it breaking news from the field or covering an event, they perform their duties to the best of their abilities. Even then, there have been incidents of sexual harassment, cases of pressurizing a female journalist and instances of receiving threats that have hampered the progress of women in the field. Such incidents are not even considered worth mentioning in a country where women are more in number than men! Some social media websites have taken the cases but they haven’t pursued with them as they should and those that have been investigated privately by the employers, have not seen the light of the day. It is due to such treatment that the effected woman either leaves the profession after sometime or continues with her work without uttering a word regarding the ordeal. Those who stay back and continue to work despite getting married are considered a liability by the bosses who believe that they aren’t giving their 100 percent. These women who have responsibility of their homes on their shoulders, who are the lone earner of their families face the ordeal or quit the field for the good.
Such instances are not just limited to the office premises, but even when the journalists are working in the field, they are subject to such treatment. They may be welcomed with open arms when they complete their studies and join the industry but with the passage of time, they are subject to discrimination by their usually male bosses. Unlike other fields, in the media industry, women work in shifts and when their family life suffers because of that, they succumb to the pressure of their in-laws (if married) and family (if unmarried) and quit the field because of their superior’s behavior. That’s why not many women have managed to reach the top positions in the media industry in Pakistan, which remains a male-dominated field. The women in the media industry also don’t have a say in compiling the editorial policy of their organization, neither do their views are considered important by the bosses.
Even then, there have been a few instances in which women journalists have carried on despite these hurdles and managed to carve a separate identity for themselves due to their hard work and dedication. Ms. Zubeida Mustafa is one such glowing example who has been in the field for over 30 years and was awarded "Courage in Journalism" for her outstanding services. Ms. Razia Bhatti also received many awards during her career as a journalist par excellence whereas Ms. Sherry Rehman became the first woman journalist from Pakistan to be conferred with the Independent Journalism award by the British House of Lords. When you look at the country’s first female Oscar winner Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy and the renowned broadcaster Shaista Zaid, you get to know that there are many women in the field who have managed to outlive their male colleague with their sheer will and dedication, and if the female of the current generation try to emulate them, they can achieve brilliance in their line of work as well.

Monday 9 December 2013

Malala - The Worldwide Symbol of Peace

Fearless, courageous and extremely brave ...that's what made Malala Yusuf Zai known throughout the world as a symbol of peace. The girl from Swat has shown the world that people of Pakistan are peace lovers and are terror-hit than terrorist; they are book lovers who are being deprived of their love by Taliban and their ultimate dream is to live in peace and prosperity. So what if Malala couldn't get a Nobel Prize for Peace for her efforts, the work she has been doing and her message is bigger than any prize the world can offer. With her pen, she has proved that it is mightier than any weapon the Taliban have. Her mission is not limited to Pakistan now, she is a global entity and her work has been appreciated and recognized by many international organizations. She has a long life ahead of her and when world leaders like Yasser Arafat and Nelson Mandela can get a Nobel Peace Prize in old age, so can Malala. Her nomination at such an early age is an achievement for Pakistan and she must be commended for that.

However, many so-called liberals in Pakistan feel that Malala's rise to stardom is not just because of her efforts but because she is a tool in the hands of the West. These people will stop at nothing to label this girl from Swat - aka the Switzerland of Pakistan - a traitor because she was different from the day she opened her eyes. She wanted to go to school rather than play with other kids, and that's what she was doing when Taliban took over the valley and enforced their own law. Girls were barred from going to school and Malala, like many others, was made to sit at home. But this girl wanted to make a difference and that's exactly what she did by writing a diary for an international news agency and the diary became so popular that it was printed and reprinted both locally and internationally. Her words - as Gul Makai - reached those at he helm and the true picture of Swat became clear to all.

It was her writings that forced the government to take action in Swat and after a successful Army operation, normalcy returned to the beautiful Valley and Malala finally managed to go to school but her happiness was short-lived. The enemy of the state shot her point blank while she was on her way back from school and it was feared that Malala would be no more. But as destiny had more things in store for her, Malala recovered from that wound after going through operations in Pakistan and England and came out a winner.

It is saddening to see that people can stoop so low on social media and on other platforms in order to convince the world that Malala is the villain here and the Taliban are not. That she is the agent of the West and the Taliban were right in what she did. That her decision to study and write for what she thought was right was wrong, and Taliban's way is the right way. They believe that Malala will not return to Pakistan but the brave daughter of the country wants to return and join politics, and play an important part in the betterment of the country. She has repeatedly said that she bears no ill against the very Talib who shot her yet the Taliban believe that they will not rest until Malala is dead.

Even if we believe that the Taliban are right, that Malala is an agent of the West, that she is anti-Islam and a tool through which Pakistan can be made to look bad in the world. Then who is right? The Taliban who bomb religious places, kill soldiers, stop girls from going to school and deliver threats to all those who stand against them. If they are right then I believe they are the ones who should be given awards rather than Malala because Malala has done nothing compared to them. All she has done is make her fellow countrymen (and women) realize the importance of education, make them fearless and instill in them the element of bravery, something even a bullet can't take away from them.

Monday 11 November 2013

Talibanization of Karachi, Causes, Challenges and The Role of Government

March 2013

Introduction of Karachi:

Ethnic and Political Composition and Conflicts

How The Talibanization Started in Karachi, Causes:

Taliban Linked Militant Groups or Organizations Working in Karachi
Major Attacks After 9/11 in Karachi

Funding Sources:

1.     Bank Robberies
2.     Kidnapping for Ransom
3.     Extortion


Threats to Political Parties, Civil Society, Media and Law Enforcement Agencies

The Role of Government (Action against Taliban)



Karachi, the 7th largest city of the world is the main seaport and financial center of Pakistan and has an estimated population of 21 million people. Once locally known as the "City of Lights" and "The Bride of the Cities" for its liveliness, Karachi today presents an especially alarming picture in view of an almost unstoppable spree of killing on ethnic, sectarian and political grounds. On the other hand, hundreds of Taliban fleeing from FATA and Khaber Pakhtun khwa have taken refuge in the teeming commercial hub of Karachi where a growing nexus with banned militant organizations has become a headache for law enforcement agencies.
Ethnic Composition:
Looking into Karachi’s diverse demography, will help to understand the root cause of increasing violence. There are several ethnic groups in Karachi including, Sindhi’s, Muhajir’s (migrated from India,) Punjabi’s, Pashtun’s, Kashmiri’s and Baloch amongst others. Furthermore, Afghan refugees have also taken up residence in and around Karachi since 1979 when conflicts began in the region. Statistics from 2009 tell that almost 50,000 ethic Pashtun’s and Tajiks are resident to Karachi. The Pashtuns originally from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Fata and Northern Balochistan are now the city's second largest ethnic group in Karachi after Muhajirs. Over 2 million IDPs came to Karachi after the Swat and Waziristan operation and some intelligence sources say that some of them were criminals associated with the Taliban. 
Political Conflicts:
Since politics in Karachi is driven and influenced by ethnic affiliation it is important to look into the various political parties active in the city. The MQM is an ethnic political party of the Urdu speaking community known as "Mohajirs," that migrated from India at the time of partition. Mohajirs make up around fifty percent of the total population in Karachi. The MQM classifies itself as a party for the middle-classes, following a secular and anti-extremist stance. It has a long history of clashes with the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and Awami National Party (ANP), which represents their rival ethnic community, the Pashtun’s. Today all three parties (MQM, ANP and PPP) are part of the ruling coalition government.
How Talibanization started in Karachi, Causes
Exploring the root cause of Talibanization in Karachi takes us back to the 1980’s when the Afghan jihad began. The ongoing war against terrorism in northwestern parts of the country also brought to Karachi a flow of arms and drugs along with a heavy population influx. The situation produced a culture of violence in the city and after the fall of the 9/11, Karachi’s ethnic conflicts appear to have been succeeded by ‘sectarian’ conflicts.
There are differences of opinion when it comes to the number of Taliban present in the city but one fact compelling all to forge a consensus is that the Taliban militants have overtaken the reign of terror previously held by militants with different identities, e.g. political, ethnic, sectarian and criminal. The Taliban nexus with Jaish-e-Muhammad and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi in the city intensifies the threat.
Although the presence of Taliban in the city can hardly be denied by anyone, their existence in terms of physical strength has always been exaggerated. A high rank security official in Karachi, does not subscribe to the idea that 5000 Taliban militants have infiltrated into the city. He says, The TTP Karachi chapter has been divided into many small groups comprising 3 to 5 militants. If the police nab a militant, he doesn't give much information to help reach the high ranks due to his lack of knowledge about his own group.
Taliban linked militant groups or organizations working in Karachi
The 25 key Al-Qaeda and Taliban-linked militant groups which have literally taken hostage the port city of Karachi include five factions of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) - Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al Alami, Qari Zafar group, Qari Shakeel group, Akram Lahori group and Farooq Bengali group. Then there are three factions of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) that are active in Karachi - Commander Waliur Rehman group (from South Waziristan), Badr Mansoor group (from North Waziristan) and Mullah Fazlullah group (from Swat). The remaining Jehadi/Sectarian groups in Karachi include Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan (SMP), Sunni Tehrik (ST), Daawat-e-Islami (DeI), Harkatul Mujahideen (HuM), Harkatul Mujahideen Al Alami (HUMA), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), Jamaatul Furqaan (JuF), Harkatul Jehadul Islami (HuJI), Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM), Jundallah, Tehrik-e-Islami Lashkar-e-Muhammadi (TILM), Lashkar-e-Islami (LeI), Mehdi Militia (MM), Hezbollah, Kharooj, Tawheed Brigade (TB), Al Mukhtar Group, Punjabi Mujahideen etc.

Funding Source
The Taliban linked militants make money through criminal and heinous activities. Karachi is their cash cow and primarily, they are generating funds for their organization by

1. Bank robberies
2. Kidnapping for Ransom and
3. Extortion

Bank Robberies
According to the Police, the Taliban are involved in 80% bank robberies, and 20 percent robberies are committed by criminal elements in the city from 2011 to 2013. The TTP recruits people from Karachi and robs banks and foreign exchange companies to generate funds for terrorist activities. These tasks are assigned to them by the central command in Waziristan. Several activists of TTP have confessed to police that they have committed bank robberies to provide money to the organization.

Kidnapping for Ransom
Kidnapping has become an industry in Karachi, a record-breaking number of cases took place in Karachi, crossing more than a hundred. Kidnapping of high-profile figures and businessmen for ransom is a major source of funding. Their targets are traders, doctors, lawyers, private company owners and children belonging to affluent families. Many cases of kidnapping are not reported to police, and families decide to pay the ransom money quietly fearing of repercussions from militants.
In 2008, prominent Pakistani filmmaker Satish Anand was kidnapped in Karachi. He was eventually released in the Miran Shah area of North Waziristan Agency after his family paid approximately $169,000 for his release. In 2011, three Punjabi militants kidnapped a local industrialist Riaz Chinoy and demanded approximately $740,000. Although they eventually lowered their demands to $211,000, all three militants were killed after the police raided the home in which they were holding Chinoy.
According to the data issued by CPLC, there were more than one thousand cases registered from 2003 to 2012, 98% cases were solved and 248 gangs were apprehended.

The banned TTP and LJ were earlier kidnapping traders for ransom. But now they have changed their tactics and find extorting traders a much hassle free option. Extortion is a key source of funds for the Taliban, especially from the well-settled Pashtun businessmen in Karachi. They send a letter to them demanding money and nobody dares to say no. And if they refuse, their families and properties back will not be safe. They have also started extorting multinational companies and food chains. If the target failed to fulfill their demands they kill them mercilessly. Last year, the attacks on cell phone franchises were a more dangerous extension of that tactic. Citizens now feel hesitant going to public places as the militants have shown that they can strike anywhere any time. They are using two ways of extorting Karachiites. They send them extortion slip for full payment, or they make them pay a monthly extortion. The crime investigation department had recently arrested several TTP activists who were extorting people.

(There are many professional criminals who had branded themselves Taliban for committing crimes. Drawing a line between the real Taliban and fake Taliban, the security analyst says that Taliban abduction for ransom had always been well calculated while the fake Taliban would kidnap every person making irrational demands. A number of local criminal gangs have also been involved in extortion. The failure of the Police and administration to curb these groups has made Karachi a playground for extortion. The most feared of all such criminal groupings is the Lyari Gang operating in Karachi’s Lyari area. People’s Aman Committee (PAC) is the political face of the Lyari Gang. )

Major terror hits since 9/11 in Karachi
It should not be forgotten that unrest in one part of the world affects the law and order situation in the other parts too as the threat of terrorism has no borders. After 9/11, Karachi has been one of the main targets of the Al-Qaeda linked banned organizations as it is the major and important transit route used by US military during War on terror.

June 2002: US Consulate Karachi, A truck with a fertilizer bomb driven by a suicide bomber was detonated outside the Consulate. 12 persons, including five women killed 51 injured.

Feb 2003: Gunmen attacked United States Consulate; two police officers were killed and wounded five other officers and a civilian in front of the consulate.

May 2004: Pakistan-American Cultural Centre and residence of the US Consul-General in Karachi, Two car bombs exploded killing two persons and at least 33 injured, mostly police and media personnel wounded.
June 2004:
Gunmen opened fire on a convoy carrying the corps commander Lt Gen Ahsan Saleem Hayat, leaving 11 people dead in Karachi. The corps commander escaped unhurt.

Nov 2005: KFC restaurant in Karachi. At least three people killed and 20 others, including two South African women, sustain injuries in a powerful car bomb explosion.
Mar 2006: US Consulate in Karachi. A US diplomat his Pakistani driver and a Rangers official were killed and 54 persons injured in a suicide car bombing.

October 2007
Attack on Benazir Bhutto’s rally killed over 139 in Karachi and left more than 450 injured in one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

Dec 2009: Ashura attack took place, a bomb blasted the Shi'ite procession killing 43 people

November 2010: The Criminal Investigation Department targeted in Karachi.
At least 20 people killed and more than 100 injured in a suicide truck bombing.

May 2011: Mehran Naval Base attacked in Karachi, killing at least nine people and destroying two P-3C Orion maritime surveillance aircraft.
November 2012: Rangers Headquarters targeted, A suicide bomber slammed an explosives-laden truck into one of the entrances of the Rangers compound killing 3 ranger personal and 21, including civilians injured.


Militancy and terrorism are the biggest challenges facing liberal political parties, civil society and law enforcement agencies. The Taliban often threaten government officials, security personnel, political leaders and workers. MQM is the only political party that has consistently talked about the Talibanization of Karachi and has been a vocal critic of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan. Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan, in a statement said that they had decided to target the MQM. In terrorism related violence MQM has lost 222 activists including leaders in Sindh in the last two years. In this year January, Tehrik-e-Taliban claimed responsibility on the attack of MQM Member of provincial Assembly Manzar Imam.
The Awami National Party (ANP) is being threatened by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) to end political activities in Pukhtoon-dominated areas of Karachi. They also claimed responsibility for the assassination of the workers of the Awami National Party. On the other hand, ANP Sindh leader Bashir Jan says that The Taliban have killed some of their people in Karachi but they are not responsible for all the killings.
Interior Minister Rehman Malik informed the Senate that Taliban wanted to take over the Karachi offices of the Awami National Party (ANP) and interior ministry had informed the party leadership about these threats.
According to Police, A letter containing a hit-list has been intercepted, which includes Abdul Sattar Edhi Pakistan’s most revered social worker and a “living saint” who runs the country’s largest charity, which operates hundreds of ambulances and shelters for women, children and the destitute. In December 2012, Gunmen killed six health workers during a nationwide polio vaccination drive. Later on police arrested five alleged Taliban on suspicion of killing women polio vaccinators and plotting to attack Karachi airport.
Police and rangers officers who are working to destroy the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and its linked militant organizations in Karachi are on the TTP’s hit list.
Threats to Media:
Journalists are also facing threats in the performance of their professional duties. According to the report issued by the National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC) of the interior ministry, TTP chief Hakimullah Mehsud has compiled a list of targets and directed the group’s fighters to launch attacks against national and international media outlets in the country especially Karachi. Several prominent journalists are on the list. Some terrorist groups have also planned attacks on offices and studios of media houses, and the Taliban have also threatened media outlets through emails and phone calls as well.

Terrorism Related Fatalities in Sindh: 2010- 2013
Security Force Personnel
                                                Source: SATP, *Data till January 27, 2013
There have been a total of 3889 casualties due to terrorist activities in Sindh from 2010-2013, which include civilians, security personnel and militants.

Role of Government (Action Against Taliban)
The Supreme Court has ordered the government of Sindh, to take the issue of the presence of the Taliban in the capital city of Karachi seriously. Reports say at least 5, 000 to 7,000 Pro-Taliban militants have made their way into the country's largest city and its commercial hub.
Law enforcement agencies have arrested several key suspects of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in search operations. During the targeted operations, Karachi Police also recovered weapons, bullets, suicide jackets and stolen vehicles, from their possession.

Despite the rampant Talibanization of the city which continues on the sidelines, Karachi continues to function as the economic lifeline of the country and cannot be ignored or left to bleed. It required emergency political and security measures to end the ongoing violence. Peace can only be restored by depoliticizing the police and other security agencies and it is the responsibility of the ruling political parties to come to some form of agreement to save the city, as an unstable Karachi will destabilize the entire country.
Although the city remains widely covered in the news for its volatile security situation, corruption and crime life continues to go on in the city. A city that has become labeled as dangerous and unstable is also the financial and fashion capital of the country. While incidents of target killing, inflation and load shedding continue, what also continue on are the vibrant cultural happenings across the city. Fashion shows, theatre, festivals and other activities are often left out in the news stories. These happenings show that no matter what, life in Karachi goes on. This highlights the resilient nature of its citizens that fight social and political injustices with every day. The energy of the people of Karachi, and subsequently the city itself is palpable.
 As a born-and-bred Karachiite told me, “You can’t live with Karachi, but you can’t live without it.”

Written and Produced by
Najia Ashar
Geo News